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Breath of the Wild ~ a Log / CONTENTS [[+Artwork]]

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Fool Remiss

Waking of Saturday, March 25, 2017 ~ 3

Just after the wetlands, I wandered into a dry flat stretch, and the sun was going down. A little pillar of smoke rose on the far side of a prominent hill before me.
Or foe?
....I went to investigate.
And who should I see on the other side, but two struggling travelers having it out with a couple of black bokoblins. Huh. Well.
The man stood near the fire—well, footed it back and forth, really, as he bandied blades with his opponents. He looked quite dashing actually, landing a blow with his sword here and there and sending his assailants flying.
The woman meanwhile had fled a short distance toward where I was coming from and was now looking on helplessly.
I approached and studied her as she shrieked in terror, in desperation—she had large, quiet eyes and a wide, roundish nose on her face.
“She looks like one of ‘em,” David said.
I inwardly concurred. Just look at her stupid pouty lips....
The man was holding his own fairly well for a while—I was impressed. But eventually the bokoblins bested him. He went down and they walloped away on his prone form while the stars circled his head.
I supposed this was as good a time as any for me to step in.
I honestly can’t remember how I dispatched the bokoblins. Did I draw them away and beat them up? Or just snipe them both in the face? Maybe both—arrows are pretty good attention-getters....
Once the bokoblins were dead, the man came round to his senses and the woman came back to his side, and they both drew in close to their fire, near which a little half-tent had been erected, and an unlit wok sat waiting. Huh....
Still I said nothing, but only watched them. And as the woman came and collapsed beneath the shelter, looked to the man and said “Oh my sweet Tye!”—

I was the world’s most amazing idiot.

The man had a name. The woman had a name.
They were not Yiga Clansmen.

Some Hero.

I spoke with this Tye. What were the two of them doing, roaming around in the wilds all alone?
He said something about looking for a living Silent Princess—a specimen of flower. I’d seen them before. I even had some on me (but they wouldn’t regard my samples).
And something else about the two of them being betrothed to be married.
Oh. I knew of someone they just had to meet.
But oh dear.... How in the world could I get them all the way to Zora’s Domain along such a dangerous road?
Well time enough to burn that bridge when we come to it after I sort out their flower business.
But first....
I really just wanted to get to that Shrine....

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