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Breath of the Wild ~ a Log / CONTENTS [[+Artwork]]

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Waking of Friday, March 10, 2017 ~ 3

Well, there was one other road that led away from Kakariko Village. But according to my map, it ended shortly thereafter, on Sahasra Slope.
I told Brown to stay in the village; I’d go out first to see if it was okay, and if it was, I’d come back and get him and we could go on together. My memories were out there somewhere, and we had to find them.
I’d blundered out this way once, when I was looking for Cottla or something.
It unsettled me then, and it did again now.
The seemingly endless downward slope combined with the tall, tall grass did not give an especially impressive view of what could be lurking in the distance, or even very close by. But eventually the land stopped folding in terrible convexity and I had some decent views.
There wasn’t much to speak of, just some wildlife, and, when the sun went down, some bokoblin skeletons.
I had just killed a couple of them, and leapt across a little ditch onto a rock to collect their remains, when some music started that I had not heard before.
“Oh what, what, WHAT—?” I spun about, trying to see if another rock-monster were coming after me.
But I couldn’t see anything.
I ran back the way I had come anyway, and the music swiftly faded away again.
Oh gads, what did it mean? D8
I thought of something Joseph—er, just another traveler on the road I’d like to think—said.... something about centaurs....
But there was nothing in sight.
Did I dare jump back onto that rock?
What in the world was there? I couldn’t see anything.
How did I see it, what did I do? What made me look—?
There was nothing across the rock or higher up that could see me—it was something below the cliff to my left—something that didn’t have a good view of me.
It was a six-legged-Guardian.
And it was very much alive and moving.
It didn’t look rusted or worn at all?
Okay, okay, okay. It was down there, and I was up here. It couldn’t see me right now.
I threw a bomb at it.
It must have taken damage, for the red health-bar appeared above it.
But throw as many bombs as I might, I couldn’t seem to even dent it.
And as the slow night crawled along, the honest thought passed through my brain that this game might be too scary for me.
Oh my gosh I couldn’t believe it.... a Zelda game? But I love Zelda games!
How could I not go on in a Zelda game over something scary?
Was that—
How could I—
I ran in the other direction.
To heck with that thing—the slope was wide; I’d just press on in another direction, and hopefully find some warpable I could lock down and thus ensure my expanding mobility.

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