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Friday, April 7, 2017

Bad Things

Waking of Friday, March 3, 2017 ~ 2

I must’ve been getting these four Spirit Orbs all out of order, I thought. I bet that snowy one was supposed to come last, it was so far away and tricky and dangerous....
But I was proved wrong by the last shrine sitting in an unassuming little place called the East Abbey.
It was an open, crumbling ruin, and there were more of those big dead crawlies all around it. I scavenged them as usual until I came to the chamber just before the shrine where one of the crawlies activated at my approach.
It couldn’t move from where it lay rusted all wonky in the earth, but it searched me out with its deadly constant and accurate laser-eye.
When I was brave enough to glance, I could see that the way to the shrine was blocked by a large, cracked boulder. I bet that thing was explodable. Perhaps I just had to lure the thing’s aim over there....
It was a bad idea.
It tracked me true to every sprinting movement and with one blast killed me in a heartbeat.
Oh, how he rolled on the ground before he came to a stop....

I quit, and backed up a couple of saves; I didn’t want that death on my record—did I back up enough?

I do not know.

Perhaps I’ll never know.

Ben and Cami and the girls were in the room, too. And David.

I had to circle wide around—more of those things activated—it was terrifying—it was awful—it was awful—it was terrible—where could I go? Where could I hide from their terrible terrible eyes?
Eventually I found a wall near a great drop-off that I could scale to get into the chamber where the shrine was.
Ugh, those horrible things....
No mini-crawlies in the shrine again, and that was nice. This shrine belonged to Ja Baij, and he gave my Sheikah Slate the power of bombs.
Even his name sounds very bombish, don’t you think?
And when I completed his trial, collected his Spirit Orb, and exited the shrine, the Old Man parglided in to talk to me once more.
This was the fourth shrine. And he’d give me the paraglider. But I had to meet him at the place where lines drawn between the shrines would intersect on my Sheikah Slate map.
He said he had something important to tell me....
And as he said this.... he didn’t simply walk away as I’d seen him do, but he.... slowly disappeared, faded away in a softly twinkling pale green light.

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