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Breath of the Wild ~ a Log / CONTENTS [[+Artwork]]

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Mr. Hestu

Waking of Saturday, MARCH FOURTH, 2017 ~ 7

As the land climbed quite sharply on a deep-green grassy slope, I approached an unmistakable figure, subtly bobbing and bouncing rotundly to the right of the path.
It was a very large Korok.
I approached him. He had great, uh, bushy eyebrows? Made of bark? And a giant goatee of a single Deku Leaf hanging from his nose.
It was, indeed, Mister Hestu.
He was sad because some monsters had stolen his maracas. He pointed where they went, and Link was on the job!
I’ve become quite fond of attacking bokoblins from higher ground. This makes it easier to roll bombs down at them while also avoiding detection.
It took a while but eventually I had blown them all up and retrieved the maracas.
Hestu was so pleased to have them back. But! he said, the Korok Seeds inside them were missing. Oh, he lamented, Leave it to his fellow Koroks to play such a dirty trick on him! He sniffed.
And then he perked up and sniffed some more—he could smell the seeds I had! For I’d collected quite a few of them from the Koroks hiding all over.
And so I gave him Korok Seeds and he upgraded my carrying capacity! MORE WEAPONS, huzzah!
But he had to go after only two transactions. It seemed he was wanted somewhere, or late for something. But he told me to come find him, in.... what did he call it... the Korok Forest?
I do hope I run into him again.

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