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Breath of the Wild ~ a Log / CONTENTS [[+Artwork]]

Monday, April 10, 2017

The Stables

Waking of Saturday, MARCH FOURTH, 2017 ~ 4

It really began to rain as I continued along the higher track on the lee of the north peak. There were two shapes that kept swimming up and down the river. Gyorgs maybe. I didn’t want to get close enough to find out.
Visibility was awful. Everything was grey. And climbing the rocks became much more difficult in the rain, even with my bandana on.
But when it did clear up, I saw a large structure, out on the green on the other side of the pass between the peaks.
I paraglided over to the south side of the river, where the proper road was, and climbed a tall wooden tower (there was a chest with a boomerang on top). And from there I observed this structure.
It looked like a circus tent, the upper reaches of which were shaped like the gigantic head of a horse.
And there was the bridge.
I crossed it – and there were people. And animals! And smoke and fire and bundles of hay and pitchforks and provisions and a pen full of goats—
There were people!
And Beedle was there with a great backpack full of goods to sell!! 8D
The first person I reached was a young woman, and her name was Sagessa. “This is the life,” she said of standing near the cool little pond against the mountain, in which stood another glowing shrine.
What a very pretty sight and greeting, after so long on the rough, rough road.

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