Waking of Saturday, May 4, 2019 ~ 2
It’s 8:40 in the evening.
I’ll go out and get Dragmire.
Oh, but not before snagging a Korok behind Impa’s house first.
After that I come back to the broad thoroughfare before the house; I’d left Dragmire there to graze and lounge beside Cado and Dorian.
I give him a carrot.
And we are on our way.
Dorian says it’s dangerous to travel at night, but....
I’m going.
I round onto Hestu’s Hillside and can see the Dueling Peaks Stable in the far distance.
Very close.
Dragmire and I continue down the road at a trot.
Talk with Brokka.
Talk with Bugut.
Old friends.
But still keeping my eyes peeled for enemies.
I see the disguised Yiga by the foot of the mountain. In your dreams, creeper.
I pass by, and cross Kakariko Bridge.
And.... there’s another lady walking on the road. I suspect her, but—I hear them.
Stal creatures. And a Yiga man, laughing as he foregoes pretense and somersaults from nowhere to have it out with me....
I put on my Radiant Gear—too late—and kill the Stalkoblins, and the Yiga Archer....
And with the threats put down I see the lady breathe a sigh of relief....
I collect the spoils, and then go to check on her....
.... But she is yet a Traveler?
I must say, this is a trick I had not seen them use before.
Fine. What.
“Hey, buuuuuddy!”
“Me?” My response.
“Awwww! You’re so cuuute!”
“Want to spend some.... tiiiiime with meee?”
My choices: “OK...” and “I refuse!”
I’d rather not, lady.
“I refuse!”
“Whaaaaa—?! But whyyyyy?” she pouts. “Don’t you like meeee? If you doooo, please cloooose those eyes!”
Choices: “Well...OK, then.” or “No, I don’t like you.”
I’m not going to play your games.
“No, I don’t like you.”
“You’re so meeeean. Well, theeeen... Hylian Champion...”
The tissue-thin guise dropped and her face contorted into a snarl.
“Begone, enemy of my Master!”
YOU begone!
It’s on.
Aaaand it’s over quickly.
Not tonight.
I am busy.
So near the stable.
I’ll put Dragmire to manger first.
And I do. Thanks, Tasseren.
It will be light, soon.
I think I’ll go find Garill.
I kill things that get in my way. But that Bokoblin.... it went after someone else. I pursue and kill it anyway.
Still wary from the bridge I do not talk to the other man this time until I’m sure I know him. It’s Agus. And his donkey.
Don’t think the Yiga keep donkeys....
I buy all his milk and butter.
Thanks, Agus.
Heh, and as I continue along the winding road.... here comes Joute, the old Witcher III guy who spooked me in the rain before on his pale horse. Joute.
“White horsies, giants, and bony ones too. They’re out there for catchin’, and that’s what you should do...” he sings. “You like my song about the legendary horses? There’s only one of each, but I took some liberties to make it musical.”
I do like it, Joute.
The Guardians grow thick now. Here in the Valley of Terror.
I heard that.... Octorok....
Found it. Killed it.
So close to the fort now.... I’ve surely passed where the memory lies....
But I continue....
Garill. My friend. ^_^
“Incredible!” I hear him say.
And I visit with him.
“The more I see of this place, the more it hits me just how hard the old tragedy struck here. But even knowing that, seeing so many Guardians... It boggles the mind. That warrior must have been some threat to the forces of darkness, huh?”
Huh. Well, I would like to think so at least.
Garill doesn’t say anything else.
Good old Garill.
I’ll take his pictograph.
I coax him to speak again; try and get him to look up....
“If I’d been alive 100 years ago...I like to think I’d have fought these Guardians here, right at the warrior’s side.”
“The warrior and his soldiers at Fort Hateno risked their lives to protect the world. I wasn’t there at the time, but I’m alive now because of them, and I’ve got to make sure future generations know it!”
Now there’s a good smiling face! ^_^
Got a good pictograph.
Now.... to find that memory....
Heh, I see Toma heading back toward the crossroads too, on her horse.
More familiar faces than I’d realized, around these parts.
Wander, wander.... back into the field.... I won’t be able to tell until I’m within a few feet of it.... There was a Guardian’s husk in the foreground of the painting on Impa’s wall. I look around all the clusters of Guardians, but.... No.... Must be further out....
I might have to kill all the central baddies....
And I do. That Frostspear did come in handy!
Searching, seaching.... Not in any of these clusters near the wall, then....
Perhaps that cluster farther back. Is that the one with an active Decayed one in it?
I go. Find three more Bokoblins, but.... nothing else.
I won’t be able to tell until I’m within a few feet of it.... Was that a trick of the setting sun’s glare? Or....
It’s here.
It’s right here.
My memory.
And.... a lot of.... swords. In the ground. Oh....
What happened in this place?
It’s been two years and two months and two days.
It’s time for me to find out.