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Breath of the Wild ~ a Log / CONTENTS [[+Artwork]]

Monday, May 31, 2021

Clean Up The City

Friday, May 10, 2019

Clean Up The City

I warped to the Shrine of Katah Chuki.


I’d really rather just go from there without breaking tone but I feel the need to provide what is probably necessary context for the ones who haven’t spent so many hours playing the game nor noting where the different shrines are—Katah Chuki is in the quarry very near to the castle.

Pay attention.


I warped to the Shrine of Katah Chuki.

Shouldn’t it stand to reason?

I was gonna clean up this town.

The Piano was so.... malcontent.

I stood on top of a rock and considered the Guardian down inside the wall.... for a long while. It didn’t see me.

“You could just go right down there and.... laugh it right in the face,” Dad suggested.

I took a second’s pause.

“Okay,” I said, and paraglided in.

We had it out.

I killed it.

And I did clean up the town. One Guardian at a time. Though I still avoided the flyers if I could help it.

The Stalkers in here were sleepy. Stationary.


I tried that scary thing I had seen in a gif:

I crept closer, and closer, and closer to one that was sitting so still, and then Stasised it. And during the brief spell when it was completely frozen I ran forward toward it as fast as I could, into the range where it would have otherwise noticed me!

The golden Stasis-charm broke, the Guardian woke up, swiveled its head in the brief moment and—sure enough??—it.... it rolled right over and sank into the ground. Gone.


The laser’s needle end blinked on me for a bit. !??

Then it was gone.


I spun in all directions. Where did it go?

“If there’s a wasp in the room I think I ought to know where it is!” I shouted when I turned back around and could find no trace of it.


I think I sank it into oblivion.

It was tempting to get closer, to go deeper, faster. But as I kept checking my surroundings with my Stasis, I could see which Guardians, legged or decayed, were alive, and I didn’t care for how thickly they were set about the old town ruins.

I didn’t want to divide them.

I circled wide several times, to flank them instead—Dad reminded me of the military operations term. I know, Dad. <3

I cleaned up as I went, my circumnavigation bringing me toward the south end of town. The city wall near the main gate had little guardhouses in it. There were shafts in the wall through which to shoot arrows, and little stairways and ladders leading up to the battlements.

Koroks hide in the weirdest places, man.

There were Malice eyeballs in the town too, and I had to circle a bit tighter to kill those; due to their orientation, they could only be shot from the inside, toward the Castle.

I followed the winding little street ruins, or climbed over blasted walls where I could or dared.

Killing Guardians.

And shooting the eyeballs that guarded the main road. Their Malice was clumped in broad, horned barriers all along that thoroughfare, straight through from the very front gate of the town, near the Sacred Grounds.

Speaking of which, I killed some Guardians outside the town as well, and when the daylight was right, I retook that pictograph.

My first pictograph shot in the Sacred Grounds had been hurried, and uncomposed, due to a stray Guardian’s laser having tagged onto my shoulder, and a terrifying lack of experience on my part to deal with them at that time. But now, I had cleared the ground, and I could take my time.

There were clouds, which was not perfect.... but perhaps it better reflected the age I was in now.

I got the pictograph, headed back inside, and continued to clear out the town. I cleared that place out GOOD.

And now.

I turned toward the Castle.


I was going to walk in the front gate.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


Evening of Monday, May 6, 2019


Scoured Giant’s Forest, skirted the Ancient Stump, looked into Coliseum, checked the crevice below Owa Daim’s shrine, flossed Hemaar’s Descent, ran the cliffs to the Illumeni Plateau.... Have not tried the Castle’s front door yet....

I scoured the road—the road!—from the Tabantha Great Bridge to the Gisa Crater, slaying two Guardian Flyers and a Talus. Nothing.

I searched high and low in the hills between Rito Village and the Hebra Mountains. Nothing. I combed the feet of the Akkala Falls near Tarrey Town. Nothing.

I raked the land in a bird’s-eye paraglide from the Lanayru Tower standing above the wetlands all the way across the Zodobon Highlands, to the Stone bearing Ruto’s Name, donning my Dark Ensemble at the last stretch out of some strange desperation.

How to draw out the final shrines....

I became hungry again and rewatched the Zelda’s Awakening cinematic.

Ahhh. I finally have a visual on Link’s saviors....

Now I can do faithful artistic justice....

It is past my bedtime....

I think.... Pepp’s.... will do....


And then I got on DeviantArt instead of going to bed like I should have, and searched out all the epic Zelda art I could find from which I had previously forbidden myself.

Oh sweet cathartic amazement and wonderfulness.

I was high as a kite.