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Breath of the Wild ~ a Log / CONTENTS [[+Artwork]]

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Search and Rescue

Waking of Saturday, October 28, 2017 ~ 9

The Kousok Plateau turned out to be one of the wide mountain shelves overlooking the canyon I had ridden through to get to the Gerudo Canyon Stable.
Now, I had seen, many times, quite plainly, the expansive network of footpath-scaffolds anchored into the sheer rock walls of this canyon—of Gerudo Canyon. I had wondered if they were of Gerudo make.
And you know, maybe they were and maybe they weren’t; I suppose it doesn’t matter.
Because whoever made them, the Bokoblins had them now.
At some point, I ventured off the shelf of Kousok Plateau and down into this wooden tangle. And as soon as I saw who was home, on went the Bokoblin Mask.
It was certainly an interesting plane to explore. I had seen it back in the trailer—Link had backflipped in slow motion out of reach of a monster, and then launched a volley of spear-jabs....
I didn’t suppose I would find myself in that situation now, not with the mask on, and that was fine with me. I had to wrap up soon so I could start the new day.
Don’t stay up all night, kids. @_@
Bokoblins eyed me curiously as I squeezed past them on the narrow walkways, following me and trying to strike up snorting conversations. Islander Hawks circled the sky at my level. I updated my Compendium with a really splendid pictograph of one. ^_^
But I had no more excuses—the insistent, responsible draw of the stable and a stopping point pulled me onward as I dragged my feet through every step I could savor.
And then I noticed a commotion.
Beneath a tented platform at the dead end of one scaffold, two Bokoblins were yammering and stomping and swinging at.... a person.
Why.... that must’ve been one of the people who had gone missing—one of the oily guys!
Deliriously hungry to extend my distractions, I ran in to help—and the oily guy.... was an oily girl. She cried for assistance.
The Bokoblins seemed to debate about what to make of me, until I started hitting them. After that they gave me only a little bit of trouble before I had dispatched them both.
The woman stood panting, and I spoke to her. Her name was Flaxel. She had short brown hair and an attractive face. I asked her if she knew Sesami, and told her that he had asked me to come find his friends.
“You mean Sesami’s been kicking back at the stable this whole time?” she shrieked.
Actually he had seemed really, really worried, but I didn’t get a chance to tell her that.
She did thank me for getting her out of a tight spot, and then huffed off toward the stable, ready to give Sesami a piece of her mind, looked like.
Huh. Well that was one person saved. There had been four....
But maybe.... the rest would be easy to stumble across as well.
And as it turned out.... they rather were.
I found a somewhat heavyset woman called Canolo next, in a similar predicament, and her reaction was much the same as Flaxel’s had been. Her pink overcoat, high, dark pigtails, and pouty face did little to aid any justification she may have tried to display in her outburst.
How could they be so angry? I thought. If it’d been me, I don’t think I’d have room to be angry, for the mountains of relief I would feel.
Then again.... I suppose they are female.
(We can be craaazyyyy....)
I found a man next, lithe and lean-bodied, with dark hair in a ponytail, and steely eyes. He seemed to be standing a little more confidently against his opponents, but he welcomed my help all the same, and a little more graciously at that. His name was Oliff, and he complimented me on my swordsmanship. He was happy to learn what had become of Sesami, and where he could be found, and he set off at a confident stride toward the stable.
One left.
It took some scouting and backtracking, but after a short time I came to one more soul with his back against the wall.
This man had a dark, somewhat unflattering haircut and a pudgy face, and his name was Palme. He did not seem quite as able as Oliff had been, nor was he as waspish as Flaxel or Canolo. He was just a man, and he was simply grateful for my help and information. And he hurried on his way.
I looked at the clock.
I.... kind of had to hurry on my way, too.
The four missing persons were rescued; it was time to head back to the stable.

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