Afternoon of Tuesday, April 4, 2017
I’ve told him, no spoilers. I know he’s ahead of me, and maybe he does
feel the terrible, irrepressible need to express and geek out like I do—but for
the love! Does he have to go saying
so many things?
Of course.... he did warn me about the green chuchus, and
I’ve never let one touch me so far.... But today after he made buggy eyes at me
when I told him I hadn’t been able to play in like a week...
“Just one more thing, just one more
thing.... ZELDA IS GANON!” he hissed as he began to make his way back to his
He knows by this point that I don’t want to be spoiled and so I am sure he was joking but must he make my mind spin? Maybe the male brain is like a toolbox where
individual thoughts are kept in separate boxes that do not touch, and only
removed one at a time to be worked upon in the central workspace, which
otherwise remains blissfully clean and empty.
But the female brain is like a bowl of spaghetti!
One spaghetti could be touching like.... twenty
other spaghettis!
You tell me things like that and immediately I’m thinking Wait does he possess her? Well it wouldn’t
be the first time that’s happened. Am
I heading into a trap? What if I can’t trust the first Zelda I see in this
game? No but what if I’m getting worked up for no reason? Will I treat that
part of the game differently now? If there is a part like that? I’m just guessing here! What if the avatar in my
head turns mean against her when he
shouldn’t? Ugh I wanted a pure
experience for this log.... is this gonna spoil the flavor?
Dang it, Joseph, it’s overtime week
and I been up since 3:30 today and yesterday just to get my part out of the way
quicker now SCAMPER OFF and let me and my Batman:TAS soundtrack do our data
And if I meet you and your hearsay
on the road again, Madman Joseph.... I’m throwin’ up my arms and dashing away
in a flail like any other self-respecting Hylian. I will fill my earbuds with
my favorite hotel air conditioner white noise and refuse! I say NO, Sir!
In the meantime I think I’d better
change tack. The river goes on for a long way; I have no idea where it ends.
But the rest of the wetlands.... as mind-bogglingly vast as they are.... are, in fact, finite. I think.
I think I’ll warp back to the tower
where I met Gruve and do a little surveillance; maybe Mei will turn up.
And then....
I am still piqued by that other shrine
signal I caught near the Floret Sandbar.... And
a strange earthy mound I saw, jutting with giant bones and oozing all over with
those pools of malice—as I’ve learnt
they are called. The black-and-magenta creepstuff.
Hm, feeling braver am I?
Well, definitely curiouser if nothing else.
No, but Mei first. Mei first.
I wonder if I’ll have to comb it
fine right through all the islands.
Including the one with the big red
Dear me.
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