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Monday, April 10, 2017

A Drop on the Bokoblins

Waking of Saturday, MARCH FOURTH, 2017 ~ 3

The path between the peaks along the north side of the river led straight through a camp of bokoblins. And one of them was black.
However, there was a large, black—I checked—and yes—magnetizeable boulder on the ground some ways before then.
I hovered it up to the higher track, which led above the camp, and then climbed up myself.
It was very hard to control, and the bokoblins saw it and became all agitated before I could do anything, but I dropped it anyway—I think I hurt at least one of them.
Then they started throwing rocks at me—I crouched.
Hhh, what was I going to do now?
Well, I still had Ja Baij’s gift.
I rolled bombs at them until they were all sploded and dead. It helped that they seemed to have some kind of extra explosives in their camp.
The black one took a little longer. But once he was down I had a nice pillage around their camp. More food, more wokking, more weapons.

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