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Breath of the Wild ~ a Log / CONTENTS [[+Artwork]]

Monday, August 6, 2018

Into The Dragon's Maw

Waking of a Saturday, February 3, 2018 ~ 3

I pressed forward through the jungle again, as the rain-haze came and went. And the foliage and brush were still so thick that it came once more as a surprise when the leaves suddenly parted and I was presented with a wider view of the valley.
It took me a moment to understand what I was seeing.... I could see on my HUD that I was very near to the riverhead—I thought I should be able to make out the shape of the toothy mouth.
But that wasn’t what caught my eye first.
Looming in the dimness—was it daytime or nighttime?—a large, very large shape of stone thrust from the deepest wall at the back of the box canyon, thick, and heavy, and greened with atmosphere or moss. It was enshrouded and entangled by the sprawling plants, and hazed by distance and mist, so that it was difficult to say where the stone ended and the canyon wall began. Everything was so dim....
But even in the darkness, the shape was unmistakable—mountaining over the last grinning lake of the dragony river, flanked by two taloned paws of the same immense scale, stood the masoned head of a dragon.
Dodongo’s Cavern, I thought, seeing the enormous lower jaw there like a ramp into the Inferno. The Lizalfos that guarded it were so tiny....
Surely this must have shown up on the topo—I checked my map and could see it now, even the claws. How had I never seen?
But it had always stood just adjacent to the gaping, bright blue mouth of the ribbony dragon river. Of course. How could anything stand out juxtaposed against that?
I decided to pick off a Lizalfos or two with my bow before venturing too far from the shelter of the trees. The range made it tricky, but I couldn’t have them alerting any of their friends to my presence.
Scoping in to examine the dragon’s head further, I saw part of a cubic Korok puzzle standing on the back of the big right paw.
Well, I could do that at least, I thought, and moved ahead through the gloom.
But as I drew near, something beyond the puzzle caught my eye—something.... glowing.
I bypassed the puzzle—the light was coming from behind—inside—the dragon’s neck. It seemed much of it was hollow. That made sense, with the gaping jaw-ramp.
But as I clambered closer over the mossy, sloping terrain, I could see it was not a memory.
It was a Goddess Statue.
the name of the place gleamed over the screen

I killed the Moblin keeping the inside of the Dragon’s Head—and waded through the water to pray before the Goddess.... I think.... Oh, was there some kind of sign in the stonework or was it.... Her?
Whence came those instructions?
Hhhh, I must not put off the keeping of the log for so long.... -_-
Said to offer Farosh’s Scale to the spring.
I had two scales on me, and I parted with one.
Light shone where I dropped it into the water, right in the center before the statue of the Goddess. Golden light shooting straight up from the tiny concentric ripple....
And a mighty stone door opened in the grey canyon wall behind the Goddess.
Inside was a Blessing Shrine. The Shae Katha Shrine.

After collecting the monk’s Spirit Orb, I came back out and proceeded to climb the Dragon’s Head—a gigantic tree rooted among the springwaters inside came bursting through the top of the neck. The views from its upper boughs were excellent, and aside from that I found a Korok!
But.... it was getting late.
From the treetop I saw the other half of the cubic puzzle I’d seen on the right paw—it happened to be on the left paw, and that one held the Magnesable piece.
I paraglided down, and studied the structure very carefully before removing the spare block and trekking back behind the Dragon’s Head to the other side again. After inserting the block correctly into the first puzzle, the Korok appeared, I got a seed and....
I called it a day.
I climbed back onto the Dragon’s Head for a safe perch, settled down somewhere near its right ear, saved, and quit.
I was done.


  1. Hello! No I didn't get to go looking for the meteor rod before sending my switch off for repairs. I plan on doing so soon after getting it back. Until then I live vicariously through reading these and watching YouTube videos.
    On to the current entry,
    I never actually saw that as a dragons head before! I went and looked up a map to check it out after reading that. I had just came in from the Popla Foothills directly to the north. Another thing to go see once I get my switch back I suppose. For the record the instructions did come after praying to the Goddess statue.
    I wish you all the best!

    1. Hohhhhh I feel so much more special now! I am fanservicing a poor fan who is temporarily BEREFT OF THE GAME!!! ^_^ Well, my friend you are MORE than welcome! I am so happy these entries can give you at least some semblance of a fix! :D

      Haha sometimes I see too many patterns in things---happens when you live inside your own head too much like I do! |D And Thank you for clarifying!! I honestly couldn't remember.... Lol I consider myself a pretty good journalkeep, but it's hard to remember everything sometimes! XD
      Cheers! ^_^
