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Breath of the Wild ~ a Log / CONTENTS [[+Artwork]]

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Divine Beast Vah Medoh

Waking of Sunday, January 6, 2019 ~ 4

“Well now,” said a well-polished voice as I stood on the Divine Beast, “I think I’ve seen that face before.”
“I had a feeling you would show up eventually. But making me wait a hundred years is a bit...indulgent.” The rapier glimmered in deigning to even prick me.
“You’re here to wrest control of Medoh away from Ganon, correct?”
I was.
Revali pointed me toward the interface and Sheikah Stone from which I could distill the local map, asking at the last if I thought I could make my way there.
Huh, didn’t sound like he thought any more of me, after all these years.
I made it to the map terminal just fine; it was in the bird’s head, seemed like. Two large, circular windows—Vah Medoh’s eyes—were set into the walls on either side of the chamber, which was surprisingly smaller than I’d have thought.... this being a Divine Beast.... I feel.... like I’ve written this before....
Once I’d distilled the map into my Slate, Revali ran down the control terminals, stating that I would need to activate them all. And then, again, “Think you’re up to it?”
Even now, his voice bore a tinge of.... snideness.
Well.... Better start makin’ my way around, I thought.
I checked out the Divine Beast’s controls. Tilt? It looked like I could rock the wings....
And I regarded the inside of the torso. I’d seen it getting to the head, but now studied it more closely in light of how the Divine Beast might move.
A number of large blocks were suspended in the central space, far removed from both floor and ceiling, but all on the same horizontal plane parallel to the ground. The two metal blocks were attached to two rails that spanned the space from fore to aft. The three stone blocks ran on rails crossing between starboard and port.
I could see—the metal blocks I could move with Magnesis, but the stone blocks would slide according to the tilt of the Beast.
OH this could really screw things up. I hated disrupting their discovered orientation, and knew I probably wouldn’t be able to restore it, but I wouldn’t let that stop me now! Besides, it looked like different orientations would give access to different areas. So I started moving, Vah Medoh cried out at my commands, and I made my way into the port wing.
With the bending of the world inside the Beast, I found that the tilt of the inner decks was at a steeper grade even than my paragliding angle. This meant I could fly farther and longer, but it was dizzying—never paraglided up to something before....
Inside the port wing—MALICE MOUTHS?
Ugh. ._.
Also, the music sounded.... poisoned.
This place did NOT want me here.
I came to the first terminal and activated it.
“There are four terminals remaining,” came Revali’s voice, “Still a ways to go.”

And that was when it all.... turned.

Oh my gosh, this music was so freaking.... the strings....

As the music of the early Beasts had been open, and neutral.... and then turned dark and insidious once it caught on to me activating the terminals....
And as the music of the following Vah Naboris had started out in seething anger at my presence.... only to give way to a brighter, stronger sound as I claimed more territory, returned hope to the ancient contraptions....
Now the music of this final Beastwhat the harmonic minor....—at first poisoned in the wretched wrath and fury of a cornered, dying thing.... at my DARING to move forward for the kill and the entire reclamation, was now running, now flying, now clinging and willing and praying in the desperate heat of a final bid for freedom from the darkness. Undauntable not by choice but by necessity. Surely this music had to be the culmination.
There is hope for the world, I thought.

There is hope for this world.

I found the second terminal behind a gusty, howling puzzle involving a very large, round porthole in the wall that I’d had to open.... and activated it.
“There are three terminals remaining!” Revali’s voice echoed, “Keep going.”
And Hey! I could see Shatterback Point out the window! And Death Mountain! As we wheeled through the sky....

I can’t take this music, it’s.... it’s too amazing.

I couldn’t find the lower terminal in the port wing indicated by my map, so I went to the starboard side and locked down the third terminal there. Paragliding upward to find treasure chests was so strange....
“There are two terminals remaining. You’re almost there.”
He sounded.... surprised.
I looked out another porthole I’d opened, and I could see Mount Nero! And the Tabantha Tower! Clear as day.... Right there.... As if I were only paragliding very, very high.... All the world stretching out before me.... So many familiar landmarks.... all close enough to fly down and touch....
The music was not changing anymore with the different terminals.
It was still just that strong, determined, indeterrable, indomitably swelling string section.

There is still hope for this world.

My Compendium already had pictographs of Cursed Bokoblins and Cursed Moblins.... Now in the lower part of the torso, down on the floor, I finally got a pictograph of a Cursed Lizalfos.
There was a Malice Mouth down there, and it would occasionally spit these undead floating skulls out into the room.... It was.... really alarming, when the Cursed Lizalfos saw me and just.... rushed me in this distorted flying lurch
I prefer the live ones.
After I’d gotten the pictograph and killed the skull, I found and accessed an outer deck via a large open hatch on the starboard side. This deck wrapped around to the fore in a broad and happily uniform kind of walkway. The arc of it passed beneath Vah Medoh’s neck and continued round to the port side, where a similar hatch led back into the central chamber.
That was where the eyeball was. The eyeball to that mouth what’d been spittin’ out gross things.
I shot it.
That cleared up the central chamber all right, or it cleared it up enough—there were always little rogue Malice Pools you couldn’t get rid of, and which you just had to watch your footing around.
But after that I went back outside, for I had seen something else along the outer walkway....
There were launch points out here. Like grandiose diving platforms, complete with ornate little railings leading up the steps to nowhere. I could imagine the ancient Rito who must have manned this thing diving off them into the sky....
And beyond the port side launching platform, I could see, there, in the belly of the port side wing.... there was the next terminal. Standing in an open belly hatch near the wingtip.
I would have to fly to get there.
Oh my gosh.
So—I tilted the bird—rocked the port wing down into a dip—the Rito Rock was RIGHT THERE below—I had stood on that rock—the angle aligned and the port wing was down—and—
I flew.

Oh my gosh this music COULD NOT be more.... appropriate.

I did not want to let go of my paraglider until I was WELL inside the little hollow of the belly hatch. I landed on the pedestal itself, in a deep recess far away from the door, and ACTIVATED.
“Just one terminal remaining!”
And he laughed a little huff.
“What do you know?”
Still sounded surprised.
I rocked Medoh’s wings the other way and paraglided back to the main deck. Now I’m dropping the Vah....
Starboard side? The last terminal was in that wing, but.... I hadn’t been able to reach it via the inner decks....
I jogged through the Beast and out onto the other external walkway.
There. It must have been in the same, opposite belly hatch.
And that was guarded by a Malice eyeball.
The last terminal must be in there....
It took a few arrows, but at the proper tilt, I was able to shoot the eyeball at long range. And once its attendant cluster of Malice had evaporated, I scoped in and could see....
There was a gondola!
The track ran above, attached to the underside of the starboard wing!
I tilted the Beast, brought it to me.... and rode it.
I stepped inside, rocked the wings back the other way and it started moving my gosh I was.... I was in the air with so little to hold me.
“Don’t fail me, Gondola....” I murmured.
The apparatus seemed so spindly. Somehow I didn’t trust it as much as I did my paraglider....
But it held firm, and took me well into the starboard belly hatch. At the far end was an upward ramp leading back to the inner deck. The last terminal was up there....
I’m here, Revali.
I activated it.
“That was the last terminal! Now you just need to start the main control unit!” Revali’s voice echoed in what sounded like impressment. But he quickly brought the rapier under a fine-tuned control again, “I want you to take a good look at your map. There should be a new glowing point on there. Well?”
Still condescending a bit.
But I don’t mind.
“Flap to it!”
And the aforelocked door between this last terminal’s antechamber and the rest of the starboard side wing-deck opened. I was free to move back into the interior of the Beast, bypassing the gondola.

The music has changed.
This is desperation. This is some kind of wire.
Have I gotten all the chests? I think I have....
I feel like I need to hurry.... This music....
This is it.

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