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Breath of the Wild ~ a Log / CONTENTS [[+Artwork]]

Friday, December 31, 2021

Maybe the Front Porch

Friday, May 10, 2019 ~ 4

Maybe the Front Porch

Oh gosh where would I pick up....

Okay last autosave.

Please be outside the threshold....


I was standing outside the Sanctum. In my Climber’s Gear.

This was. Okay.

Oh my gosh I needed a breath of some real fresh air.


Let me think....

No shrines in those upper reaches of the tallest towers. My hopes were beginning to wear thin.

I paraglided off the central Castle and onto the southeast pillar, considering.

Those guard houses maybe.... Maybe? I’d not gone into those....

This whole time I had been combing the Castle from the bottom up. But now, I’d try the closest guard house to the Castle’s front door. I was already pretty high up. I’d try combing top to bottom.

I floated down....

This was the guard house on top of which I’d found a Korok last time.

Bloody turrets....

I hunkered down on a battlement where I could safely see inside an upper window. The interior was thick with Malice and I was pretty sure I could see a mouth. Once I got inside, it would probably start spitting things at me. There were two eyeballs glopped onto the ceiling, but.... they wouldn’t open, no matter how close I got to them, how visible I made myself through the windows.... I would have to—

We’ll see....

I dropped down inside.



The Second Gatehouse as it was called....

I shot the Malice eyeballs. As I suspected they hadn’t opened until I’d dropped in from the window and hit the central floor.

Also, the portcullises slammed shut.

And the dang little cursed skullheaded things came floating after me—a couple of ‘em had gotten out before I was able to dispel the Malice.

Also, Daruk went off.

And of course he yelled and everything, but that.... sounded like a bigger hit than normal.

And then I turned around and there was a White-Maned Lynel inside with me.


One cursed Stalmoblin was still gumming after me.

I killed it.

And.... Then the Lynel beat me up.

For a while.

Oh. The sounds Link made.

Horrible choking gasps....

But I collected myself, got to my feet, replenished my health, and gave the Lynel what for. With the Master Sword.

And then he was dead, and I had his stuff. And another treasure chest with three Ancient Arrows.

My gosh, you think maybe the game is hinting at something?

I always considered my Ancient Arrows too precious and rare to use, but they were certainly as good as growing on trees around here....

However.... that was a different matter.

I didn’t think there was a Shrine here.


Dratblast it, if I couldn’t find another one on the Castle Grounds....


Where could it be?


I wondered if I could run to the First Gatehouse; there was surely something just as fearsome in there, and that attack meal I’d eaten was still in effect. For like two more minutes.

I ran.

Not like me, I knew. The Creeping Mouse, ever cautious. Not like me at all. But it would be a shame to let that attack meal go to waste....

Out in the exposed dun and grey, as I pounded over the dust with no walls around me, two lasers settled onto my back.

They seemed to come from either side.... maybe turrets posted about the Gatehouse entrance behind me.

The angle between the lasers tightened as I increased the distance between myself and my assailants.... but it was not yet so skinny that—

The lasers flickered, strobed, beeped

I skidded and rebounded off the dirt, doubling back right as the lasers fired.

The blue-white bolts skimmed my shoulders and their combined blasts went off right in front of me.

Rebounding once more, I pressed forward again, through the vestigial smoke and heat—the path had been clear for a good length ahead; I could still run all-out and be fine—

For a while.

I pelted out of the haze and considered the remaining road between me and the other Gatehouse. Another moment and a tall, horny barrier of Malice would give me trouble.

The lasers came back. The angle was too tight to double back between them now.


I dashed to the side this time, veering in a hard right angle off to the left; the lasers once again exploded where I had been about to step.

And I was running again. I could see the eyeball. Right in the thick of it. Had to be the one. But.... bad angle. The Malace wall veered, and the eyeball was somewhat secluded, drawn back and hugging toward the right, facing toward the left. And I wasn’t quite close enough that I was confident I’d be able to land an arrow on the first try. Just a few more paces.... Though it was dangerous to prolong the attempt....

I sprinted until I came near enough to the Malice obstruction, drew my bow—already the lasers were

They got me this time, just after I shot the eyeball.

Get up get up get up.... The Malice was disintegrating. Still, I thought.... no sense wasting the smoldering fireball engulfing me. I jumped, whipped out my paraglider, and rode the updraft from the lingering fire, sailing over the last wisps of the vanishing barrier, toward the other Gatehouse.... out of range. Good.

I touched down safely and ducked beside the stone entrance. No Guardians could see me here.

Now.... What could be in here....?

I peeked in the entrance of the First Gatehouse and saw the Malice Mouth directly above me. It remained dormant, only pulsing and wiggling every now and again with no prey yet trapped in the room.

The time-limit of the Attack effect from that last meal was still counting down. I decided I would dash to the other side, and I did. And down came.... as if from the ceiling....

Heh, I’d hoped it would be you.

Blue Lynel.

The kind against which I’d never gotten to test my mettle.

But I did here. And I was collected. And I dodged his attacks, and flurry rushed him many times.... Until the dang cursed Stalmoblin caught up with me.

But I put it down soon enough and finished off the Lynel. And then shot the eyeball. And then killed the remaining two cursed Stalmoblins.

And the First Gatehouse seemed to be mine. What was in this chest....?

Ten Bomb Arrows. Not bad! :)

Found five more in a chest on the roof.

Aaaaand... A Korok on top of the spire. Just as I expected! I thought in Lloyd Irving’s voice.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Shouldn't It Stand To Reason?

Friday, May 10, 2019 ~ 3

Shouldn’t It Stand To Reason?

Having cleaned out the Lockup, it was back to the tall chamber with the Moblin....

The Shaft.

It seemed to be directly below Princess Zelda’s Study and bedchamber.

Bracing beams supported the dark stonework for.... what must have been several stories overhead. Drainage came in from somewhere in a waterfall. A number of grates were set into the floor for this; the torrent sluiced in and gurgled away beneath them. One part of the stone wall stuck out like a barrel, all round—tubular more like, bound in by more beams and struts. I could just spy the Moblin on the other side of one of these supports. Malice glopped onto the walls and floor behind him....

But first.... there was a hidden bombable wall.... and that led to....

The West Passage?

I followed it into a rougher-cut tunnel; no bricks. There was a pool down here.... and.... moldy rotten Guardians lined up as if they were growing out of the walls, whatwhat? Augh, they were dead, thankfully, but.... Ugh. The sight was.... It was like those robots from Castle in the Sky, all growing, all moldering.... only.... What did it mean? Hadn’t the Guardians come from those five Pillars somehow? Or had they been buried like fossils in the soil? Is this where the Royal Family had unearthed some of them? Er, had had some of them unearthed....? And so close to the passages they walked.... How.... creepy....

I proceeded cautiously until, Oh, I saw as I got closer—the pool was a hot spring.

And there were three little pools before three little statues on the other side of it.

Hard boiled eggs bobbed in each pool except the middle one.

I dropped an egg into that one, and it boiled. The Korok appeared.

Hadn’t seen that trick before.


I soothed myself in the spring. Seven or eight hearts back up to full. It was a welcome respite.

Continuing along the dark passage, I encountered some Keese, but.... nothing else.

A minecart track led its way out of the passage, but.... there was no minecart.

I guessed this was as far as I could go.

Okay then.... back to the Shaft....

I turned to start back, but—

NO. I was probably not going to come this way again. Just go! I told myself. The rest of the passage didn’t extend that far, judging by the map....

I climbed outside! With nothing else for it I crawled along the bare bleak stone beside the anchored minecart track until I got into the other tunnel. More Keese. Frost Pebblits? Easy enough....

I walked a little further to what seemed to finally be the end of the passage.... and.... Okay, it was just another outside entrance guarded by a Flyer.

Due diligence done, it was time to go back.

I took the Goron Minecart this time. Heh, hadn’t done that in a while.... and had never dared do it in the Castle! But, as I’d already cleaned out the passageway.... why not!

I had seen these tracks from far away across the moat before. Many times. How they arced around the great bald patches of stone surrounding the castle’s lower foundations. I could never see myself actually riding them, but now.... I wondered what it looked like from afar....

Back to the Shaft.

I killed the Moblin, and was able to have a proper look around the tall, tall space.... There was so much Malice in the way, how was I supposed to—

Ah, I see. The drainage waterfall was clear. I cast Cryonis on it a few times to make my own stairs up until I could reach that ladder.... And the ladder went up.... And where did this little passage lead?

But I stopped. What was this place? It looked like a little study or something. No. A little table more for like reception or something like it. Book-keeping of some kind. Recording. A little bookshelf.... once-ornate hangings like those in the Guards’ Chamber....

What or who passed through here? Market-goods on their way to the royal kitchen? Smithed wares for the soldiers? Visitors’ registry? A cleaning service? There was no way to know.

Something was lurking on the other side of an explodable wall. Something with 288 hit points. What could it be....?

The noises it issued made it out to be a lizard.

I killed it.

Oh, the Master Sword was running low on energy.


What about that shield?

What about the shield?

I wondered....


It was only a little alcove where the Lizalfos had been hiding; not really anywhere else to go. Okay what was that lizard guarding.... what was this.... treasure chest....


It’s a Shard of Dinraal’s Fang!

What in the heck! These are amazing! Will I find more? I DON’T KNOW! 8D


I sniffed around and zeroed in on the only thing left I could find to mess with in the little record-keeping room.... a switch.

I flicked it.

WHAT! It activated an updraft back out in the Shaft!

I went and took it.... and oh it took me up high.... Twice as high as that first little record-keeping room.... to yet another room above, near the top. One passage from this new room led away outside, and another looked like it connected back to that corridor off which the giant circular staircase stemmed!

I checked the outside first.... and found that I could access a stairway that went back up toward the Outer Track—the area below Princes Zelda’s study and bedchamber.

I’d been around there already though.... Back inside. I would go back through the inner corridors.

There were horns and globs of Malice everywhere....

NO. Wait....

There was another passage, up near Zelda’s Chamber, that I could see on my map. An inside-corridor not connected with anything else, only accessible from the outside, right there. I’d go get that first.

And I did, and....

Oh, it was Princess Zelda’s room. Two layers. I forgot.

All right....

Back down then, to the Outer Track. I followed it clockwise, bending round to the north side of the castle.


Blast these log-notes.... blast my procrastination in finessing them.... Look I’ve been chasing the following paragraph all over and around the document for MONTHS because I could not remember when I first encountered its described architecture. What Castle-visit it had been.... Actually I think I had been going counter-clockwise at the time....

“I scooted around the bulky obstruction to continue, and there was a strange, sheltering overhang, pillared about the road from the living stone, familiar from a dizzy dream I had had before.... But I could only go so far before there were Guardians again, didn’t want to go that way....”

Yes it . . . . must have been an earlier visit.... with how I reacted to the Guardians.... drat.

Rest in peace here on page 600, Dizzy-Dream Pillar Paragraph.


Now I passed through the sheltering stone pillars going the other way, rounding the gentle bend to the right, until I came to a Guardian embedded high up in a bleachy hill of rockfall and rubble on the right side of the road, spilling from some higher level of the castle grounds.

I killed it where it stuck out from the rocks at an odd angle; its Ancient bits and spoils came tumbling down, scattering over the landslide.

Across the road from where the Guardian had been—or what remained of the road beneath the rubble—I could see a dark passageway leading into a small hill. A brief consultation of my map let me know that this was one of the passageways into the Library.

! Then that Guardian.... It must have been the one I had seen back when I had come up out of the Library for the first time. The one that had frightened me back inside.

I’d stood my ground well enough this time.

Yes the “bulky obstruction” must have been that landslide outside the Library.... must’ve been heading counter-clockwise....

With the Guardian dead I was free to explore a bit further now. The mound housing the entrance to the Library was straight-sided, and tiered, with a little copse of dead pine trees at its humble crown. It must have been lovely once.

Up on top of the hill over the Library entrance was another chest....

Naydra’s Scale. Very nice.

I looked back. From this vantage point I had a better view of the rubbleslide; it really was massive and it covered the outer track. But.... above....

I wondered if I could scale that cliff. The one the Dizzy Pillars were carved from; the one with the sheltering overhang. It seemed to go right up to the back of the Sanctum. The back of the Castle. The back of the Sanctum....

On went my Climber’s Gear, and though it came to a close call with my stamina, I found that I could. Scale the cliff.

The air turned blustery with Malice.

Globs of Malice everywhere so thick....

This was the uppermost Earth. Everything above here was man-laid brick and stone.

Is there.... Is there....

It would stand to reason....

There must be a Shrine somewhere....

I peeked a little bit into the architecture.

Sanctum flashed on the screen....

I saw a large empty space.... looked like a boss room....

NOPE! NOpe. Nope noep noep I ran back out of there.... climbed around a bit, looked around...  [[Do you see how nervous I was? Never mind the spelling errors—I forgot to add the wonted fourth dot in my ellipsis!]]


I wondered....

I.... WONDERED....

A big, flat empty space....




Climbing again, on up into the brickwork, and I came upon.... What?

That little round crosscut of a tree-trunk, with a leaf-shaped pointer on it.

A Korok Race.

Even here.

I stepped on it. It targeted a nearby spire of the upper Castle architecture.

“You’re joking!” I hollered.

But I did it. Running off the edge and sailing over the sky.

“Bloody Koroks!”

Got him.

Okay this is really frightening, I thought. Couldn’t the Guardians see me from here? I felt so exposed on the spire top out in the open. But nothing targeted me.

I could go back down.... maybe....

The front door to the Castle Very Proper was just below me if I dropped.

But.... NO. I was NOT doing that yet. I was going back around to the back!

I paraglided back onto the level I’d been on, climbed around on the brickwork a bit more.... and....


A window into the architecture.

This might have been the selfsame window I saw before. The one with a ladder inside it, leading down into a hole in the floor.

I crept inside.

No cinematics started; nothing jumped out at me.

I took the ladder down.

This was uncomfortably too far inside.... quieter, closer, and full of that unsettlement of when you’re out of the wind and in the den of the beast....

But when I reached the bottom of the ladder, there was too much Malice blocking the way further inward. But two other passageways stood open to the air on either side; I could walk instead around the encompassing ledgewalk. The cross-section of the castle was so narrow now.... It seemed there were three similar ladderways just like this one, inside similar buttress-like towers, leading back up.

This wasn’t a walkway I had been on before.... I could glance in windows here....







“NOOOO I DON’T WANNA DO IT!” I hollered to no one.


I crept closer to a broad opening to the inside.








I felt more comfortable perusing the art because I’d gotten past most of the spoilers, but













Two more steps.


Black out.


That’s not a shrine.


Things.... started.... happening.....




Sunday, August 1, 2021


Friday, May 10, 2019 ~ 2


As I came to the street that led over the castle’s moat, that big natural bridge of earth and stone.... Malice began to drip through the air. And when I came to the big threshold.... my HUD map changed, and I was in the Castle Grounds Proper, and the music turned to the rupturing, tempestuous orchestra.

A mighty gate with two enormous Magnesable doors in a massive masoned frame spanned the width of the bridge. A single Guardian Flyer circled this edifice, sweeping the road below with the beam of its eye.

I just needed to avoid it....

As soon as it passed, I ran to the gate; the Flyer’s scanning did not come near to or brush the actual structure. Even so, I started climbing. Once I’d gotten up on top, I could see there were Guardians everywhere inside.... One Decayed one beyond could see me if I climbed wrong or didn’t keep my head down. I tried to parry its blast, but the distance was too great, my timing was off—

And as I landed back on the ground and then scurried to hide from the circling Flyer again.... “Daruk’s Protection is now ready to roll!” the Goron Champion rumbled in my head.


Hah. Lousy timing, though.

It had been regenerating.

I may need Daruk’s help.

The Decayed ones.... They spot you from such a long way away. But Daruk’s Protection was as good as a Perfect Parry....

I decided I would call on Daruk....

And I did. And it helped.

But there were other Guardians to deal with yet, as I left the Gate and its Flyer and pressed my way inward. Too many for Daruk alone to deal with. I tried parrying again on some of them, and that worked too at times!

I made an effort to follow the road, but was distracted pretty quickly by a tiny, spinning pinwheel up on a balcony.... an Archery Korok.

I climbed up to the wide, battlemented balcony and found it to be backed by a wall of pure Malice, with no eyeball in sight. If there was a way past the dark blockade and into the castle just here, any eyeball guarding it must have been situated on the inside.

The Korok, meanwhile, proved to be RIDICULOUS in its demands—after dispatching all nearby Guardians or hiding from their view, I stood in the optimum spot beside the pinwheel and went through so many arrows trying to land a hit on the Korok’s designated target, which seemed for all the world to be all the way back across town....

But land it I did, eventually, and collected the seed, whereupon I sailed back down to the road.

This was a smaller track than the great broad street that was so large it showed up in the topo, winding its way over the Castle Grounds and up to the Front Door. But it was still wide enough and serviceable; the blasted waste of a hundred years had not robbed the cobblestone of its charm.

I don’t think it’s possible to do that to cobblestone.

The Lesser Road bent to the left, seeming to start a clockwise circuit of the castle, trailing away around the west side through a pox of Malice and eyeballs.... I followed it, but only briefly, and stopped well before reaching any more Malice gates; for near where that first Decayed Guardian had been that had knocked me off the moat bridge gate, there was a doorway on the right side of the track, leading into the castle’s interior....

I went inside, killed some Lizalfos....

This passage looked like it wrapped back around to the right, and I could use it to make my way back to that Malicey balcony from the inside; the HUD seemed to indicate a connection there.... But when I reached the appropriate junction after following the hallway, Malice blocked my way there, too.

The only way left to approach the chamber leading to the Malice Balcony, then, was from the east. The other passage must connect....

I’d find it later.

I went back the only other way to go. Bypassing the door I’d come in, I followed the passage westward and northward until I made my way to the Guards’ Chamber.

More Lizalfos, and one Moblin. I killed them all. I also found another piece from that dark-sheened weapon set, the Royal Guard’s Claymore. Or whatever the big giant swingy one was.

In the Guards’ Chamber, uh muh gush, there were a couple of hidden chests.... One contained a Savage Lynel Shield. I’d take that! The other, dumped in the hollow under a staircase and hidden behind a curtain of dried leafy overgrowth.... was a SHARD OF NAYDRA’S FANG?


Oh my gosh, oh my gosh....




Augh, but hadn’t I fired on the poor beasts in too many places already? Visions of shooting the dragons in the mouth spun through my head.... Now that would just be irritating!

Did they drop eyeballs too?


I kept on!

I made my way back to another chamber, another path.... and this one led to a grand circular staircase blocked by Malice.

I killed the eyeball, clearing the way up—this staircase was massive....

Oh but first... I ran back down and checked round the rubble on the other side, the right side—it was piled up thick beneath the ascending circle of stairs—and climbing up over the heaping mounds of it.... I found more treasure up in the cracks near the top. :) Been finding lots of good weapons.... And in this chest.... 3 more Ancient Arrows. I think that’s the third chest here that’s done that for me.

Thank you.

I clambered back down and back around to the left side to ascend the massive spiral staircase in its ponderous clockwise turn....

And of a sudden I was outside. Back in the blustery grey before I knew it.

A Turret took issue at my appearance.

I killed it.

The staircase had come out underneath some kind of huge overhang, some kind of masoned patio roof with a perfectly level ceiling.... The cover from anything overhead for a generous radius was comforting at least, though it still left the lateral directions to deal with.

A very shallow channel-like depression ran through the patio, stretching away in both directions—and then I realized. This was part of the Outside Track—the Lesser Road. There was the Main Road that wound up to the Castle Gate, and then there was this smaller Outside Track that circled all the way around—I could see that now on the 3D overlay in my HUD.

Well, I had started out following it....

I was going to follow the Outside Track again.

As I continued clockwise around the castle, the road took me lower.... I wanted to go higher; I suspected.... that a shrine might be higher, closer to the top, but.... Well, as long as I was here....

I went down lower. Found another entrance to the interior, with Luminous Stone deposits around it. Hmmm.... I wondered if this were one of the ones I had marked on my map in spying the place out from the Elma Knolls. Would I have already walked over it and thus deleted the map marker? Time would tell. Or I guess it wouldn’t.

I went inside....

The name of the place gleamed over my screen, coming into focus....



It was a prison....

Or rather a dungeon.

That’s right, I was on the west side, near the Castle Town Prison out on the grounds.... made sense....

What was more, there were Moblins and Lizalfos in here....

Guess they been bad.


Man, how awful did a monster have to be for Ganon’s Forces to throw it in the dungeon?

What violent brutes these must have been....


The architecture was all hard stone and iron, and a little wood. No fineries for anyone meant to be housed here. After the corner near the entrance, the single corridor continued on a gentle curve, with a row of cells on either side. A very shallow depression ran along the center of the way, sluicing some dismal water drainage away to who knew where.

Malice eyeballs blocked the path, but those were easy enough to dispatch. And I could see what they had been guarding at the first one’s evaporating: there were switches in the central corridor, straddling the sluiceway, that could open the cells on either side, all down the way.

One Silver Moblin was free already, and he and I had it out until I’d laid him out and spoiled his corpse. And then.... I started activating the switches.

Killing them all.... did not feel nice.

They were trapped.

And I an Executioner.

I just wanted to be thorough combing this place....

Well, the Lizalfos were still able to spit at me.

Small consolation.

I killed them all, raiding what spoils and treasures were to be found strewed about their cells. My Master Sword didn’t seem to be running out of energy; it’d been glowing like this for ages, and I’d been killing so many things.

So this was its strength....

Some cells had bombable walls between them, which proved to be the only way to access some of them. And one cell on the left, the castleward side, had a bombable back wall....

I broke through, followed the passageway around; it opened up into a large chamber with some Moblin skulking around.... What was this place....?


No. Not yet.

This wasn’t just some hidden hidey-hole; this was a whole other pathway, and I was not done in the other room yet.

I ran back to the Lockup, slipped around a final dark corner to get to that last, biggest cell, and walked in.

The portcullis slammed shut behind me.

How very OoT.

I’d seen the Stalnox bones. They’d been flopped out in the center of the floor of the big round chamber, bleach-white against the dark stone, and they had stunk of miniboss.

They came to life now.... and I put them down again, with a flurry of arrows to the great, bulbous, black eye, slicing the thing into evil oblivion with my sword at the end, as it popped out and bounced grotesquely around....

There was a treasure chest now, as well as a signpost in the back, engraven into a stone marker. Had these been here all along? The room was quite dark....

The stone read:

- Test of the Royal Guard -

Strike down the giant foe to become

recognized as a knight of the kingdom.


I opened the chest.

There was that You Get The Thing Music and....



A Hylian Shield?

I mean I had wondered what could be in here, but this was.... I hadn’t expected....

“A shield passed down through the Hyrulean royal family, along with the legend of the hero who wielded it. Its defensive capabilities and durability outshine all other shields.”

Does this.... Is this shield....?

My Master Sword—The Master Sword had been staying so strong. While it had shone. Here in the dark castle. In the Malicey air that seemed to activate its resilience.

Does this shield....

Is this shield unbreakable?

Its strength was 120. Shield Guard Up +30. What does it mean?

Oh my gosh....

Was this shield unbreakable?

I almost didn’t want to test it.

....And after typing a flurry of notes for the log I came back to the game and....


Oh, my inventory was full. |D

I dropped the Lizal shield I’d been using, and opened the chest again.

Got the music a second time. Nice.

Now I had the shield....

But heck if I was ever gonna use it.

Monday, May 31, 2021

Clean Up The City

Friday, May 10, 2019

Clean Up The City

I warped to the Shrine of Katah Chuki.


I’d really rather just go from there without breaking tone but I feel the need to provide what is probably necessary context for the ones who haven’t spent so many hours playing the game nor noting where the different shrines are—Katah Chuki is in the quarry very near to the castle.

Pay attention.


I warped to the Shrine of Katah Chuki.

Shouldn’t it stand to reason?

I was gonna clean up this town.

The Piano was so.... malcontent.

I stood on top of a rock and considered the Guardian down inside the wall.... for a long while. It didn’t see me.

“You could just go right down there and.... laugh it right in the face,” Dad suggested.

I took a second’s pause.

“Okay,” I said, and paraglided in.

We had it out.

I killed it.

And I did clean up the town. One Guardian at a time. Though I still avoided the flyers if I could help it.

The Stalkers in here were sleepy. Stationary.


I tried that scary thing I had seen in a gif:

I crept closer, and closer, and closer to one that was sitting so still, and then Stasised it. And during the brief spell when it was completely frozen I ran forward toward it as fast as I could, into the range where it would have otherwise noticed me!

The golden Stasis-charm broke, the Guardian woke up, swiveled its head in the brief moment and—sure enough??—it.... it rolled right over and sank into the ground. Gone.


The laser’s needle end blinked on me for a bit. !??

Then it was gone.


I spun in all directions. Where did it go?

“If there’s a wasp in the room I think I ought to know where it is!” I shouted when I turned back around and could find no trace of it.


I think I sank it into oblivion.

It was tempting to get closer, to go deeper, faster. But as I kept checking my surroundings with my Stasis, I could see which Guardians, legged or decayed, were alive, and I didn’t care for how thickly they were set about the old town ruins.

I didn’t want to divide them.

I circled wide several times, to flank them instead—Dad reminded me of the military operations term. I know, Dad. <3

I cleaned up as I went, my circumnavigation bringing me toward the south end of town. The city wall near the main gate had little guardhouses in it. There were shafts in the wall through which to shoot arrows, and little stairways and ladders leading up to the battlements.

Koroks hide in the weirdest places, man.

There were Malice eyeballs in the town too, and I had to circle a bit tighter to kill those; due to their orientation, they could only be shot from the inside, toward the Castle.

I followed the winding little street ruins, or climbed over blasted walls where I could or dared.

Killing Guardians.

And shooting the eyeballs that guarded the main road. Their Malice was clumped in broad, horned barriers all along that thoroughfare, straight through from the very front gate of the town, near the Sacred Grounds.

Speaking of which, I killed some Guardians outside the town as well, and when the daylight was right, I retook that pictograph.

My first pictograph shot in the Sacred Grounds had been hurried, and uncomposed, due to a stray Guardian’s laser having tagged onto my shoulder, and a terrifying lack of experience on my part to deal with them at that time. But now, I had cleared the ground, and I could take my time.

There were clouds, which was not perfect.... but perhaps it better reflected the age I was in now.

I got the pictograph, headed back inside, and continued to clear out the town. I cleared that place out GOOD.

And now.

I turned toward the Castle.


I was going to walk in the front gate.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


Evening of Monday, May 6, 2019


Scoured Giant’s Forest, skirted the Ancient Stump, looked into Coliseum, checked the crevice below Owa Daim’s shrine, flossed Hemaar’s Descent, ran the cliffs to the Illumeni Plateau.... Have not tried the Castle’s front door yet....

I scoured the road—the road!—from the Tabantha Great Bridge to the Gisa Crater, slaying two Guardian Flyers and a Talus. Nothing.

I searched high and low in the hills between Rito Village and the Hebra Mountains. Nothing. I combed the feet of the Akkala Falls near Tarrey Town. Nothing.

I raked the land in a bird’s-eye paraglide from the Lanayru Tower standing above the wetlands all the way across the Zodobon Highlands, to the Stone bearing Ruto’s Name, donning my Dark Ensemble at the last stretch out of some strange desperation.

How to draw out the final shrines....

I became hungry again and rewatched the Zelda’s Awakening cinematic.

Ahhh. I finally have a visual on Link’s saviors....

Now I can do faithful artistic justice....

It is past my bedtime....

I think.... Pepp’s.... will do....


And then I got on DeviantArt instead of going to bed like I should have, and searched out all the epic Zelda art I could find from which I had previously forbidden myself.

Oh sweet cathartic amazement and wonderfulness.

I was high as a kite.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Before The Storm

Afternoon of Sunday, May 5, 2019

Before The Storm

As I stand in the field....

The Piano plays The Legend of Zelda theme, small at first, delicately....

A muffled:




You have recovered all of your memories

of us from 100 years ago...”

Her voice sounds.... weary. A weary kind of relief.

“I am here...inside Hyrule Castle.

It is now time for you to defeat Ganon.”

And the Piano stretching across many octaves resounds the last refrain.... as I clench my firsts and set my brow against the storm to come.

I am ready.


Lost Memories – Complete



I searched all around Nirvata Lake, suspicious of that line of three trees up on the cliff above the waterfall. Nothing.

I CLEANED OUT the Deplian Badlands, killing three Lynels along the way, but found no shrines there either. (That first Lynel didn’t even land a hit on me. Noice.) I did find some Koroks though. That Korok circle back by the east Lynel.... I had to kill the Lynel to get the rock for the circle. Well, to get it safely at least.

And west into the Drenan Highlands was the third Lynel. Forgot it was there; I hadn’t left a stamp for it.

Killed it. In the rain. With Shock Arrows. I had rather a lot of those. They come in handy.

I went east to west across the entire Deplian Badlands. And then some into the foothills. But couldn’t find any shrines, or any explodable rockfaces.

Got a few pieces of Dinraal, though.

And I was getting better at killing Lynels.

Hm, how about the Eastern Reservoir Lake? Vah Naboris had blocked a shrine when it was running wild; maybe Vah Ruta had done so, too....

Mm, but I didn’t explore the reservoir too deeply.... I drifted into the Domain proper and....

Well, it was my bedtime.

For once.

I was short on sleep the previous night. I did need it tonight. Had some goob shadowing me the next day about Top-Up, in which I just was not an expert.

Oh well.

No new words of wisdom from Prince Sidon or King Dorephan.

But lots of familiar faces I hadn’t visited with in ages.... Rivan, Dunma, Torfeau; Tula, Toma and Laruta, the Prince Sidon Fan Club.... little Tumbo and Keye running around the square.... Tumbo more full of energy, Keye more.... low key. And he said he hoped, if anything ever happened to them again, that I would be around to help again, aww.... ^_^ .... Mei.... Ledo.... good old Bazz. Was it Tula’s or Toma’s older brother Cleff who ran the inn? No, some other shop. I love that name....

And Cleff had married.... Kodah, who 100 years ago had asked me to choose between Mipha and her.

She apologized for doing that.

She still calls me Linny.

Went to the Seabed Inn, It was 3:something in the afternoon.

I slept on a regular bed until morning.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

The Day The Hero Fell

Waking of Saturday, May 4, 2019 ~ 3

The Day The Hero Fell

Night is falling.

I step into the light....

Fire and Rain.

Guardians.... Guardians.... so many guardians.... so many Guardians, crawling, crawling....

One of them senses.... something....

Zelda and I.... we stand in the midst of this hell.

Filthy and ragged.

I.... am in a bad way.

We are all in a bad way.

“Link, save yourself, go!” The Princess’ hands are on my shoulders from behind as I kneel in the mud before her. We are both filthy and ragged.

My clothes are torn. I only pant in exhaustion....

“I’ll be fine! Don’t worry about me,” she sobs, “Run!”

But I bow my head in pain.... and then struggle back to my feet, hauling myself up with my sword, and stand unsteadily in front of her.

The Guardian sees us in earnest, and comes.

It comes closer, it targets its laser upon us—upon me....



She stands in front of me Princess what are you—and raises her right hand in strong warding and—

That light.

A brilliant, pure, golden light emanates from her open palm, the holy Triforce gleaming through her hand—

And bursts forth in a sphere, ever expanding, light shooting toward the heavens in a rupturing pillar—

And the Guardian stops, freezes up.... and wilts with a mechanical juddering.... And the Malice is purged, cast out of the Guardians all around.... it dissipates feebly into the air before evaporating with an evil hiss.... and the Guardians collapse and die....

Zelda’s Lullaby thrumming through soft women’s voices on an ooh....

Zelda stands bewildered.

“Was... Was that... the Power....?


I’ve fallen onto my left side.

I’m on the ground.

“Oh, no, no!” Zelda runs to me and rolls me to my back, puts her left hand under my nape and lifts me. “Link! Get up!”

She calls my name and lifts me up—I cough—and my eyes open, and I look at her but.... oh my wincing brow and . . . . I am . . . . no . . . . this is pain . . . . this is . . . .

“You’re going to be just fine...” she calls to me, but....

And I groan, but....


And with a last sigh I fall limp in her arms.

There’s.... nothing....

And Zelda.... “No, no,” she cries—

And back down.... my form is heavy and she lays me back down onto her folded thighs where she kneels, her face crumpling into my chest. Muddy boots, gashes all over.

No.... no....

But the Master Sword....

Still clutched inverted in my left hand.


It pulses. Gleams and pulses rhythmically a few times....

And it sounds like.... Fi....

The Princess hears it, lifts her head and sees it.... bright and anomalous in this nightmare world.

“The sword?” Zelda croaks.

As if it speaks to her.

“So he can.... he can still be saved?

Dares she believe it....


Two strong Sheikah men come leaping over the field to her. Swiftly in and then quickly knelt down. Ready. Sharp and able. “Princess! Are you all right?!”

Princess Zelda snaps to. She is the Royal Sovereign and she is decisive. She instructs them, “Take Link to the Shrine of Resurrection! If you don’t get him there immediately we are going to lose him forever. Is that clear?!”

The masked Sheikah Soldiers nod firmly.

Her voice is strong. Commanding.

Stronger than I’ve ever heard it before.

“So make haste and go! His life is now in your hands!”

As the last crimson light fades from the ruined Guardian’s wasted shell....

Most memories I only let myself watch once, but....

This one I will spurge it again and again, and crystallize its essence in word.