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Breath of the Wild ~ a Log / CONTENTS [[+Artwork]]

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

A Friendly Forest

Waking of Tuesday, March 7, 2017 ~ 4

I was getting to meet some interesting people on the road. I decided the ones that walked the roads were safe enough. I even saw the white-haired man on the pale horse from before. Seen up close and without the haze of rain, he didn’t look anything like the guy from The Witcher III. He was just a guy. I don’t even remember what he said to me.
Just another friendly face.
The trees beyond the gate seemed pleasant enough, full of apples and beehives. There was even a house in there. With a bed! I slept in it for about an hour and I recovered all my health! ^_^
After that it was an excellent game of dodge-arrow with the bokoblins under the Cliffs of Quince. Eventually I was able to dispatch them all and claim their treasure.
I went back to the house in the woods to rest up.
There was already a man inside. A thin old man I’d seen on the road before.
So the house belonged to him. He introduced himself as Doctor Calip, and told me he didn’t have time to talk with me.... until I happened to address him as “Doctor Calip”—you see, it seemed most everyone he knew or met was always forgetting that he was, in fact, a doctor, and had worked hard to become such.
At my show of respect he opened up a bit more, and told me he was studying some ancient texts regarding a “Cursed Statue”. I wonder what it means.

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