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Breath of the Wild ~ a Log / CONTENTS [[+Artwork]]

Sunday, May 21, 2017


Waking of Monday, March 13, 2017

I only walked about. I was weary from my long hike up the river.
I talked with some of the other Zora I saw moving about—and saw a few familiar faces! Ledo and Torfeau.... I found out Tona actually worked in a shop up here, but I didn’t actually see her until I bumped into a group of Zora girls downstairs on the other side of the . . . . do I call it a square? It seems to want a more elegant word than that, so high pillared above the beautiful waterfalls.
The group of Zora girls, it seemed.... were members of a Prince Sidon Fan Club.
Seemed the prince was quite popular with the ladies around here! Somehow I didn’t find it surprising. The man bled charisma.
Tula was the name of their club president. Laflat was the name of the secretary I had met before. Dunma was the name of Rivan’s.... daughter, it turned out. Not a son.... I had met so many Zora.... and a Goron.... There were a lot of people up here.
I suppose it was comforting to find so many goodly folk all together, and safe, in one place, but.... maybe just a little bit overwhelming for a small-town guy like me.
A small-town guy?
Maybe I only thought that because small towns were the only places I’ve been—or the only places I remember being.
I’m not a small-town guy. What am I?
A Resurrection Chamber guy?
I hope I can find my memories soon.
Not the least reason for which is because every aged Zora I spoke to in Zora’s Domain was unhappily disgusted to see my face.
What had they thought I’d done to their beloved Mipha?
What had I done to their beloved Mipha?
I couldn’t vouch for myself—I had no memory.
What had I done?

I went to see the king, and quit without saving.

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