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Breath of the Wild ~ a Log / CONTENTS [[+Artwork]]

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Rocky Road

Waking of Friday, March 10, 2017

Well, there was a series of old pictographs of different locations around Hyrule stored on my Sheikah Slate. Purah recommended I go talk to Impa about them.
So I did. Brown and I headed back toward Kakariko, but we took a little detour at the Dueling Peaks Stable.
See, I had gone shopping in Hateno, and now I owned a Warm Doublet. Maybe that would see me to the top of the Dueling Peaks.
And woo-ha, it did. ^_^
There were actually two shrines up there, and they were connected to each other; their sages meditated in mirrored poses.
And now whenever I hear the shrine music I shall forever find myself humming along: five___ one two four__ two_____....
To help me remember the puzzle.
Well I had to commit the sequence to memory somehow.
And numerical solfege lent itself beautifully.
On the way back down the mountain, I decided to see if Talus Junior were still grumpy at me.
He wasn’t. He was sleeping again.
But it was time for a rematch.
I’m getting better at not freaking out and running away so much. All I had to do was just keep my cool, and maintain the high ground.
I ran down and woke him up and dashed back up the rock face.
Talus grumbled around and I noticed there was a large dark protrusion of stone from his otherwise light-grey.... uh.... head? Body-noggin.
Anyway I found I could target it, and so I tried throwing bombs.
I couldn’t throw them far enough.
But I found my bombs could blow up his.... limbs? And make him fall down. So that was handy.
But then I just resigned myself to my quiver and a good, strong bow.
Targeting wouldn’t make my arrows land themselves; I still had to aim. But I could keep that protrusion in view, and shooting it weakened this great brute.
It took quite a few arrows, but eventually.... I BROUGHT HIM DOWN! 8D
And he asploded into a million piles of Amber, and a Ruby. Oh-ho-hohhh.... it was so pretty. Not sure if I’ll sell it, but.... that’s a bit more value in my pocket anyway.
Mission accomplished—it felt good to face what I had feared! ^_^

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