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Breath of the Wild ~ a Log / CONTENTS [[+Artwork]]

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Zoras, Zoras Everywhere

Waking of Saturday, March 11, 2017 ~ 3

As I crossed the bridge, a female voice called out.
I looked around.
Another Zora, deep red as a plum, poked her head out of the water to my left! She seemed astounded to lay eyes on me. A real Hylian!
Her name was Tona and she said the same thing Ledo had said—Prince Sidon was away at the bridge up the river, and would I please go and help him.
Well, that’s where I was headed. So off I went.
The tower was heavily guarded. I managed to evade most of the resident monsters, but there was one moblin that gave me a bit of trouble as I climbed—he sent me rolling dangerously near a cliff’s edge before I was able to take him down. And the rain certainly didn’t make things easy; all the rocks were too slick to hold on to.
I climbed a tall ladder to a look-out platform and paraglided over a Lizalfos I could see lying in wait, camouflaged to look like the stone. Chameleons....
And the tower was open, and free, and I scaled its sides and rested on its platforms until I finally came out onto the uppermost floor!
Someone shouted in surprise at my appearance.
I looked around.
There was another Zora up here.
“What are you doing up here?” he asked me.
“I could ask you the same!” I said.
His name was Gruve, and he, like his fellows, had been sent out by Prince Sidon to locate a strong Hylian. But, along the way, he had fallen asleep.... only to be woken by a tremendous lot of rumbling and movement, and.... here he was.
Oh no, I realized, he must have been sleeping right on the spot where the tower was buried before it burst out of the ground.
Since then Gruve had been trying to call down to the prince on the bridge far below—for he was too frightened of climbing down or taking an ultra high dive directly into the river—but it seemed Prince Sidon was unable to hear him or help him from his predicament.
“I FOUND A HYLIAN!” Gruve still tried valiantly, which I’m sorry to say made me have to suppress a little grin. Poor guy.
Well, no worries, I was that close it seemed. After uploading the local map (and noting that Lulu and Mikau Lakes were next to each other <3) I HALO-jumped to a very near shrine down off the hill and across the water—where there was another Zora waiting! Her skin was deepest crystal-blue and her voice very even and mature. Torfeau was her name.
I noticed that this one was wearing a bit of armor.
I was getting close it seemed.
Go to the bridge and meet with the Prince, she said, yes, yes, like everyone else, I knew. I looked through my scope toward the bridge and could see, up on one of the spires, yet another Zora waiting, bloodruddy in color, with a thick, muscly build and a many-crested head. He was also wearing a little bit of armor, more intricate and intimidating than Torfeau’s, and was keeping a thorough eye on his surroundings. Maybe a guard there to protect Prince Sidon as he waited for his Strong Hylian.
I was very close now; I would get there soon enough.
But I wanted to take care of this shrine, first....

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