Waking of Saturday, May 27, 2017 ~ 6
I pranced past the wolves again—you
know, if you zap one with a Flame Rod, the rest’ll leave off sure enough
but.... there won’t even be any cooked
meat left—and down round the cliffside to the little wood with the pond.
And there in the pond was a large
green cocoon.
I stepped up on the toadstool
pedestal and addressed the being inside.
She was likewise afflicted by the
lack of well-wishers and gift-offering devotees, but could have her powers
restored if I gave her.... five
hundred rupees.
Well. I was loaded enough for that. Chump change.
I handed it over—brought myself
below six thousand again but no matter—and the Great Fairy’s cocoon blossomed
and opened into a beautiful deep blue flower. (Cotera’s had been pink.) She
burst from the large mystic pool in the center of the blossom, huge, gaudy,
Her name was Mija and she was
decked much as her sister Cotera had been, but in garb and jewelry of light
lavender, rather than pearly white. And her hair matched: she sported an
absolutely voluminous purple
pompadour, which looked big enough for me to legitimately get lost in if she
leaned over too far.
I just love the Great Fairies’
designs. X-)
She thanked me for restoring her
power, and I set her loose on my wardrobe. One by one she upped the defense of
my garments. Cotera had worked her magic by blowing over her palms at me, as though
to dust me with mystic glitter. Mija simply kissed her forefinger and then gave
me a cutesy loving tap that made me blush.... whether in embarrassment or
patient disgust I couldn’t tell—WHO DESIGNED
THESE ENCOUNTERS they’re so adorable.... though
Mija’s elegantly painted fingernail looked big enough to scratch my face clean
She was able to modify all of my
garments except for one—the Champion’s Tunic.
To fix it up, she needed a few
Lizalfos horns, which I had; some other variety of monster-bits I don’t remember,
which I also had; and—
I coughed.
shards of Farosh’s horn?
Well that.... would be an epic
thing to collect! OuO!!!
But right now there was no more
time for delays! It was time to head north!
was time to find Robbie!
the sweeping mountainside I jogged, the seashore creeping in on my right side.
I ran from wolves; I ignored Lizalfos. I had somewhere to be. Strange landmarks
I had seen in my map passed in and out of view as the land leveled out just
above sea level. The beach pressed close along the grassbound road, and I huffed
beside the waves, both 10,000 Miles
and Chariots of Fire ringing
simultaneously through my head as I jogged through the yellow-grey grass....
There were road signs to the Akkala
Ancient Tech Lab. I was getting close.
The land began to climb again, and
off in some trees on the east side, a woman tried to flag me down.
Eh, I hadn’t practiced in a
She asked me something about
Lord.... Lord.... Lord Somebody. Must’ve been some Yiga bigwig. Oh, how I was tempted to give the
insulting response, but.... I thought to probe for information instead.
But the woman only fawned a bit
more over this person and then....
(Ah, and the Piano always drips the
same high chill down the back of your neck!)
“I will take your life!” she hissed.
We fought.
I won.
“And I will take your bananas!”
I answered.
And I did.
Further on there was yet another
Stable! The East Akkala Stable. And there was a man there who sold hot buns for
ten rupees apiece—each one granted an entire
extra temporary stamina wheel.
I’ll have to remember that.
There was another man there, a
soldier-looking type of fellow, who asked me if I had heard of Kilton.
! As a matter of fact I had! From
that Chabi woman I met at the parade grounds. But she’d seemed so genuinely
interested in the man....
But Soldier Fellow impressed upon
me that this Kilton was some kind of menace, and that he was the source of many
awful rumors and much disquiet. A general disturber of the peace.
He asked me, if I ever met Kilton,
to very carefully note his appearance, so that I could describe it back to him
in detail.
Eh.... I agreed.
Seems this Kilton is taken for good
and ill.... I do wonder what all the
fuss is about....
But I would not wonder now.
Robbie was right up the road. Just a little father!
I hoofed it up the hill!
I was so close!
I could see the outline of the
laboratory! A giant telescope and great bits and shapes sticking out in all
A red targeting laser needled onto
my shirt.
The Piano turned wicked....
Run, I thought. Keep running.
no, there was no cover in my course. Where
was it coming from? Recalculation would take precious time....
I turned wildly—I had passed a
large red rock jutting out of the earth to the right of the path.
The rusted Guardian had been right
on the other side of it.
No one coming from the direction of
the stable would have been able to see it.
That was dirty! D:
I ran back to regain the other side
of the rock—the laser flickered—that high
I didn’t make it in time.
The blast sent me rolling.
But I was still alive. Probably
thanks to Mija’s very recent upgrades!
But only just. How many hearts did
I have left, three? Four? Not enough to take another hit. I got back to my feet
as the Guardian began to recharge its laser, and dashed back round the boulder
to skid to a panting halt on the other side.
Three hulking Stalmoblins popped up
out of the ground to keep me company.
The Piano turned a different flavor of wicked as I quickly
reached into my pockets for something to eat; I rather wanted a few more hearts
on my side before I dealt with these bozos....
Once they were dead the Piano left
off and it was quiet. I wasn’t quite sure what to do. I could still hear the
Guardian swiveling its head around on the other side of the rock. Looking for
I climbed a bit onto the red stone—thank
goodness it wasn’t too steep to stand on—and had a careful look.
The guardian seemed fixated on the
road. Just swiveling back and forth, glowing a vigilant blue....
Well, first I appealed to Ja Baij.
Purah had upgraded my bombs after all. I decided to see what they could do.
I chucked one over the top of the
rock. But I detonated it too soon and the Guardian took no damage. It was
tricky without being able to see the shape of the ground on the other side.
I chucked another one, waited a
little longer.... and detonated again.
The Guardian’s health went from 500
to 498.
It shot a blast at nothing and
swiveled harder.
Well that wasn’t very encouraging.
I chucked a few bombs more, gnawing
away at the Guardian for a while and making it blow up bits of earth near the
path at every turn, but....
This was taking too long. I had to
hit it with something harder.
I consulted my bows and equipped the
strongest one, and readied my Shock Arrows. I had quite a few to spare.
And after a deep breath, I jumped
forward, stood up tall on the top of the rock, drew back my bow and waited for
its eye to turn my way.... If things
went sour, I could just back up and fall back into cover....
But it never turned. It just kept
swiveling at the road. Creeping thing....
I put the Shock Arrow away and
loaded a regular one. Just to test it.
It tunked off the back of the Guardian’s head, and it turned to see me.
I shot its eye!
swiveling as though trying to clear itself, trying to reset!
I shot its eye again!
The damage was mounting up considerably faster!
I shot it again and again in the
eye! Sometimes it swiveled too far to the side and I lost my target but.... I
was patient.... I could wait....
Did any of my bows break? I don’t
remember. But I had plenty of equipment with me....
And every time its eye turned my
way I shot it again.
Its energy dropped farther, and
farther again until.... with a whirring
and a crackle of shattering light.... ITS SHELL BUCKLED AND IT EXPLODED!
Now . . . . I will know
. . . . whether GUARDIANS
. . . .
The Akkala Ancient Tech Lab was
waiting up the hill.
I followed the path just a little
bit farther—more rusted Guardians
glowered at me all around the house—
They were dead.
it, Robbie.
I approached the door, and let
myself inside.
A pot-bellied.... machine of some
kind, with a stylized, slit-eyed face and a mouth that looked like it could
open, stood in the middle of the room.
“I... It’s...” it juddered in a
hollow metallic voice. “An... It’s...”
did that mean?
“What are you doing here?”
Two Sheikah stood behind me: a
well-built woman of average height, and a tiny little old man wearing the
strangest goggles.... Could that be....?
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