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Breath of the Wild ~ a Log / CONTENTS [[+Artwork]]

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Entry For Which I Do Not Apologize

Waking of Thursday, October 25, 2018

I wanted to get back on the road to Lurelin, but.... I was distracted by my shrine-detector once again as I wandered around.
My wanderings also brought me back to that Lynel I’d seen from the top of that peak above the Twin Bridges. It had been blue, then. But now it was a White-Maned Lynel!
Why were they all white now? I’d been hoping to try my hand against a blue one.... a nice, medium level against which to test my mettle....
I didn’t want to mess with a White Lynel right now, but I did run a derping circle around it in my mask a few times. Seems if you stay in motion and they don’t get a chance to study you carefully.... they might just stay fooled.
After a time I finally found the shrine I’d been detecting—the Shoda Sah Shrine, hidden behind a big waterfall, like that one near the Lanayru Promenade.

You Shoda Sah me get it.

THEN I came back to the Lurelin Road, and back to that little canyon just beyond the jungle that had been so infuriating, where the cliffs had been impassable in the downpour. Maybe I’d try them again at some point, if the rain-spell were truly broken. But for now, I pressed onward down the road.
Just how far away was this village?
I ran on and on, along the bottoms of the cliffs and back to where I had plunged into the foothills to double back, and beyond, and still the road wound on through treeless, grassy hills and grey mountains, with no sign of the village.
I sported for a little while with a treehouse full of Bokoblins before.... my shrine-detector started going off again.
Maybe this one would be the shrine near the village.... for there was always a shrine near every habitation....
And this time, as it turned out.... it was.
Over the last rise in the road, I could see the sea, and spread along the shore, little fishing huts, and boats resting along the beach.
The shrine, the Yah Rin Shrine, was nearby the village, and it was easy to find.

You just go up the hill from the trail a little bit, and Yah Rin.

I was upon Lurelin Village, but.... I detected buzzkill impending.... and my laundry needed switching out anyway.
So I saved and quit.

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